Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring cleaning starts, recycle paper for notepad

Spring is here! And we all know what that means--it's time for spring cleaning. One thing I like to do is a bit of recycling. I select pages from my junk mail that have no personal information on them, just ads and "Dear Friend" letters that have a blank back. I cut those pages crosswise. And I made a little stack of them. I have a clip magnet and I fasten the pages to the side of the refrigerator. I use the papers for shopping lists and chore lists. I just pull off a page as needed and with another magnet, I fasten it to the fridge for a shopping list. Or you might be one of those organized folks who has a bulletin board in the kitchen. Every time something is getting a bit low in supply in the house, I write it on the shopping list. If necessary, you can put a paper and pen in your pocket as you go about your chores, and make a note. The note can be a reminder to yourself to do something later, or to remember to purchase some cleaning supply that you are running out of. For instance, you are doing the laundry, and you notice that you will be needing more borax or powdered bleach. You can jot that down.

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